T.H.E. Company LLC
1200 South Brand Blvd. #105
Glendale California 91204
For Immediate release :
The Control One microphone, debuted at Namm 2024 , is a Studio Tube condenser Microphone designed by Tom Hilbe of the Tom Hilbe Equipment Company, Los Angeles California, with a M.S.R.P.price of $ 3,450. , and available now on our website. The Mic is current use with ICE CUBE Producer, E-A-SKI , Producer KLC , the drum major , as well as Studios in L.A.
The microphone, is not a “copy” or “reissue “ of any one microphone. The goal of this design from the start , was to make a “Great Mic “ with a combination of currently available elements together with custom design elements, and a vintage military spec tube.
In this case, the Military spec 6C31b tube, that we refer to as the “ Lemo” tube, has been out of production for years. This microphone is a limited edition to 50 pcs , based on the available of the tubes we have obtained. This mic will be followed by the Control Two mic, which is upward/downward compatible, an expected run of 1000 Pcs.with a M.S.R.P. of $4,250.
The power supply, is where the pattern selection takes place, with click stops for Omni, Cardiod , and Figure of 8. There are no buttons or switches on the mic body itself by design, for operational longevity and signal path directivity .
The special capsule for this mic is a custom , 32mm capsule gold sputtered type. According to Mr. Hilbe, “ the combination of this tube, our proprietary Melcor ® M.E.C. -400 series transformer , and selecting this capsule after many many version shoot-outs, makes this combination of elements , check all the magic boxes to make this , the last Studio Tube Condenser Mic, you will need to buy ”.
This microphone is made in Los Angles California , with parts sourced world-wide, and represents several years of testing and design .
The Control One mic, is nominated for the 2025 TEC Awards in the category of , Studio Microphones .
For more information
Tom Hilbe T.H.E. Co.
213 926-7000
Melcor ® is a registered trademark of T.H.E. Co LLC .